NFDB Registration

All fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

User Details:

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Prefered Username: *
(6-20 characters, alpha-numeric, case sensitive)
Password: *
(minimum 8 characters, alpha-numeric, case sensitive)
Password: (Confirmed) *
(minimum 8 characters, alpha-numeric, case sensitive)

Organisation Details:

Organisation: *

If you have selected "Other" as your organisation, please specify the organisation name below. Please specify any further details such as websites or contact numbers as this will allow us to add you and the new organisation to the NFDB.

Contact Details:

Phone Number: *
Extension Number:
Mobile Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address: *

Email Preferences:

Receive email notifications when faults are assigned to your organisation?

Receive email notifications when faults that are assigned to your organisation have their status changed?

Receive email notifications when faults that have been reported by your organisation have their status changed?

Receive email notifications when faults that have been cleared by your organisation have been rejected for closure?

Receive email notifications when faults that are assigned to your organisation have been cleared?

Receive email notifications when faults that are reported by your organisation have been cleared?

If you are sure all the information above is correct and all mandatory fields have been filled. Proceed to register.

Password must contain:

Password must NOT contain: